Strumica Velo Park

Strumica Velo park is located in the municipal park in the center of the city.

It is how is going to fit in the Enviroment

An area next to the city of Strumica in a greenery enviroment .

Velo park in Practice

A new velo park constructed in Strumica by the the project “Bike Cities” in the sports area connecting all kind of sports . It is next to Mladost stadium at the end  of Strumica Park .

Take your bike , your helmet , your friend and visit the velo park !

Velo park & Info

Strumica Pump Track is both playground and training facilitity for bikers, skateboarders or scooter riders of all skill levels. This new constuction is an asphalted track that will be a hotspot for all kinds of riders who seek a fun and action-filled sports experience.


Big Strumica Park next to Mladost Stadium 


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