About Us

Center for development and promotion Promo Idea

Association Center for Development and Promotion PROMO IDEA – Strumica is a non-profit organization founded in 2007, whose main operations are focused in the South-East region of the Republic of North Macedonia.

Within the 15 years of activity, Promo Idea has established successful cooperation with many domestic and international institutions, built meaningful partnerships with organizations and has developed a strong relationship with the business community.

From its foundation & up to day, Promo Idea – Strumica has successfully implemented several EU funded projects, within various programmes.


bike trails

Mapping and GPS tracking of 10 bike trails

Bike Guides-instructors

Training "BIke Guides-instructors for begginers and tourists"

Bike friendly management

Training "Bike friendly management in hotel and restaurants"

"The misteries of Belasica"

National racing event "The misteries of Belasica" for 70 - 100 participants

Meet The Team​

Marian Dimov

Project Manager


Str. “Bratstvo Edinstvo” no.6-8/13 – Strumica



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