Municipality of Serres

The Municipality of Serres is the capital of the prefecture of Serres, which is geographically located in Northern Greece (and has the largest population in Northern Greece) and is also the second largest city of the Region of Central Macedonia. The city of Serres has high level settlement functions and is one of the most important urban centers of the country. It operates not only as a growth pole for the wider valley of Serres, but also as a cross-border cooperation center, taking advantage of its geographical position, population size and the possibility of developing administrative infrastructure and interbalkan character initiatives.The population of Serres amounts to 76,817 inhabitants with a population density of 50.6 per km². The road distance between Serres and Thessaloniki is 80 km while the road distance between Serres and the borders of Bulgaria is 35 km.

What Municipality of Serres will do


Bike Repair Spots & Bike Parking Racks

16  Bike Repair Spots  & 50 Bike Parking Racks are going to be installed in various places in the city so anyone can freely park and repair on his own bicycle.

Mountain bike race track at the Valley of Serres

Engraving, cleaning, modifications on the route as well as marking according to UCI regulations.

Mapping bike trails with tourist destinations

Mapping bike trails with tourist destinations, mountain bike, road cycling, route determination, cycling information on the route, proposals for additional visits by special maps .

Signs and equipment for new biketrails and destinations

Design, elaboration and placement of 170 signs with destinations 30 map signs with information’s about the degree of difficulty, altitude, kilometers, points of interest of the recommended mountain and road biking routes)

international UCI event

Organisation of international UCI calendar event


 Participation in Expo

 IT Plarform

 IT Plarform for bike cities, mobile apps and IT equipment promo

Study visit

Study visit in EU Bike park.

Meet The Team​

The Municipality is a Local Authority and according to the Internal Operating Regulation consists of the following Divisions/Independent Departments:

• General Division
• Administrative Services Division
• Economic Services Division
• Technical Services Division
• Development and Agricultural Economy Division
• Social Protection, Health, Education and Culture Division
• Cleaning Services Division
• Center Citizen Services Division
• Information and Communication Technology Department
• European Programs and Development Department
• Urban Planning Department

The Municipality’s tasks are also supported by several municipal Legal Entities under private and public law.
The Municipality’s workforce consists of 351 employees.

Mikiki Fotini

Project Manager

European Programs and Development Department

Marinaki Katerina

Velo Park Supervisor

Technical Services Division

Maria Sitzimi

Routes Supervisor

Technical Services Division –

Dep. of  Greenery 

Arapakis George

Publicity Supervisor

Dep. of Tourism

Municipality of Serres


K. Karamanli 1 Serres 62122


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