Life Long Learning Center - Region of Central Macedonia

was established in 1997 by the legislation of Law 2218/1994 and is supervised by the Ministry of Interior. It focuses on vocational training and lifelong learning, consultative & supportive services, training programs for unemployed people, employees, entrepreneurs and unemployed potential entrepreneurs in the fields of: finance and administration, tourism, agriculture, ICT etc. 


Bike Guides-instructors

Training program on BIke Guides-instructors for begginers and tourists (100 hours - 20 participants)

Bike friendly management

Training on Bike friendly management in hotel and restaurants.(100 hours - 20 participants)

bike friendly tourism development

Organisation of workshops for local organisations & enterprises for local bike friendly sustainable tourism development

the team

Meet our staff 

Kalathas Sakis


Matziari Chrysa

Project Supervisor


Lifelong Learning Center

Terma Omonias, Serres 62100


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